Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Today's Short and Sweet Tidbit...

Being a parent is difficult, so I like to try to relive my childhood every once in a while.

Try to remember what it was like to be a kid. Everything was a new and exciting, your siblings were either your best friend or your worst enemy (this was day to day, or sometimes minute to minute if you had sisters), and you could conquer the world with a box of crayons. I stumbled across this little beauty today (a lovely tagged photo on Facebook), and I couldn't help but think back to those days. Please hold your laughter till the end...Back then, I was always at odds with my siblings, and then realized they had been my siblings my whole life. There was sort of an inherent acceptance there; dare I say, I felt I had to love them since they were there all the time! I wonder how much more difficult those brother-sister relationships could have been if they had joined the party later in our life...I wonder if we would hate each other if they had been my...(insert dramatic horror movie music)...Wicked Step Siblings!

Thankfully, as adults we are all very close, and for the most part, have assumed more "mature" relationships, though admittedly we do still bicker like children from time to time. Look at that picture...it kind of says it all!
Left to right: My younger sister Michelle, the spoiled rotten baby of the family. Me in all my coke-bottle glasses, smart kid, glory, My sister Shanyne, the oldest and therefor somehow the vice president of operations, my older brother Corey (now serving in Afghanistan),  who tormented me my entire childhood for being "a geek."

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